Mayor of Rapid City; Notification of possible high water; Preparation by police, public works employees; Observed situation at Canyon Lake Dam several times; Evacuation of Canyon Lake Park approximately 9:45 p.m.; Phone call from above Rapid City…
[Southeast quarter, northwest quarter, section 9, township 1 north, range 7 east] Evacuated home about 10:30 p.m., swept away by flood waters; Sons took refuge in house which was destroyed - eldest escaped to roof of another house, youngest climbed…
[Southeast quarter, southwest quarter, section 8, township 1 north, range 7 east] Rapid rise of water in Braeburn Addition; Evacuation of Bice family and neighbors; Observation of flood waters and destruction in Braeburn Addition; Personal…
[Southwest quarter, northeast quarter, section 9, township 1 north, range 7 east] Rise of water; Escaped to attic where roof collapsed; Floated downstream in inner tubes; Mr. Bruns stranded in a tree and Mrs. Bruns on debris; Rescue and subsequent…
Operations Officer, Pennington County Civil Defense; Went to office about 8 p.m., June 9 because of reports of flooding outside Rapid City; Monitored calls on Fire Department and Street Department radios to assess situation; Set up Emergency…
[Southeast quarter, southwest quarter, section 8, township 1 north, range 7 east] Home flooded by water in short period of time; Mr. Corwin in attic when house broke up, clung to piece of roof; Swept down creek, circled Canyon Lake three times, went…
[Southeast quarter, southeast quarter, section 6, township 1 north, range 7 east] Forced to return to Rapid City from Girl Scout campout at Robaix Lake because of rain - difficulties encountered in driving back; Description of rainfall and estimation…
Temporary housing following flood - private homes and HUD trailer; Served on Citizens' Committee for Urban Renewal; Procedure of acquisition of home by Urban Renewal; Decision to purchase new home instead of moving former home; Purchase of new lot;…
[Northeast quarter, southeast quarter, section 35, range 7 east, township 1 north] Purpose of Mother Butler Center; Observation of water in creek about 11:15 p.m. (4 feet below bank); House torn from foundation, began floating down creek about 11:30;…
Formation of Mayor's Indian Welfare Coordination Committee; Problems establishing committee's credibility; Functions of committee; Examples of discrimination against Indians; Problems of Indians who lost their homes in the flood; Opinion of proposed…
[Southwest quarter, southwest quarter, section 35, township 2 north, range 7 east] Home flooded shortly after Canyon Lake Dam broke; Mrs. Flanagan, her husband and daughter floated on a mattress until 6:30 a.m.; All houses around them were destroyed;…
Background of Family Planning Service; Staff; Emotional problems of persons who were directly involved in the flood and also those who were not directly involved; Functions of Outreach workers following flood; Social work students from University of…
Members of city council; Damage east of Rapid City to Pactola Dam as observed on helicopter tour; Need for immediate attention from government agencies; Organization of clean-up operations; Favorable opinion of proposed parkway on flood plain;…
Mr. Hemstock, patrol sergeant with Rapid City Police Department on 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. shift June 9; Flood reports, First flood fatality picked up north of Jackson Boulevard about 11 p.m.; Patrol work and body recovery during flood; Comments on work of…
[Southeast quarter, southwest quarter, section 8, range 7 east, township 1 north] Rise of water in Rapid Creek, Braeburn Addition; Evacuation from home about 10 p.m.; Rise of water on Riverdell Drive while evacuating mother and stepfather; Mr. Hixson…
Rise of water in Rapid Creek; Observation of flood waters and destruction from Bennett-Clarkson Hospital [Southeast quarter, northeast quarter, section 3, township 1 north, range 7 east]; Rescued several people in area of Canyon Lake Bridge at Baken…
[Northwest quarter, southeast quarter, section 3, township 1 north, range 7 east] Home flooded; Two rooms knocked off house by another house; Steven, Sharon and parents spent night in a bedroom; Escaped in morning with aid of Air Force personnel;…
[Northwest quarter, southwest quarter, section 9, township 1 north, range 7 east] Rise of water near home; Heard evacuation notice about 10:30 p.m.; Family tried to evacuate in car, trapped by water rise of approximately four feet; Car engulfed by…
[Northwest quarter, southeast quarter, section 9, township 1 north, range 7 east] Rise of water around home; Home knocked off foundation by another house - family trapped in home all night; Observation of water throughout the night; Escape from home…