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Dawne Yates
Dawne recounts her memories of her father who was involved in the rescue efforts.
Vesper Wright
Vesper's mobile home was destroyed by flood waters the night of June 9. Forty years after the disaster, her class ring was returned to her by a member of the salvage team who had found the ring during the clean-up efforts and spent four decades…
Jerome Wright
Jerome Wright was instrumental in a number of rescues, including a mother and baby, and also volunteered for weeks after the flood.
Don Wrede
Don was 16 the night of the Flood. His family's mobile home park lost 30-40 trailers that evening. His father was in Canada and knew nothing of the Flood or his ruined business until a float plane landed at the lake in Canada where he was fishing and…
Paul Wounded Head
Paul and his sister waded the waters together the night of the flood.
Sandra Woodard
Sandra and her husband set up camp leaving his Indian motorcycle and gear below Victoria Lake the evening before the Flood. Four of their friends stayed at the campsite however and were forced to climb to the top of a hill, clinging to trees in order…
Donald Wickler
Donald was visiting a fellow retired military friend at his home near Meadowbrook Golf Course the evening of the Flood. He and his friend were in the basement trying to keep things from getting wet when their wives called from upstairs and said, "The…
Lon VanDeusen
A college student at the time of the flood, Lon VanDeusen talks about his experiences the night of the flood as well as the days following the flood.
Jane Udick Williams
Jane worked side by side with her mother to clean the hands, feet and faces of flood victims in order for family members to identify their loved ones. Her aunt and uncle owned the Keystone Post Office which was flood damaged. Jane helped them with…
Ann Trask
Ann was in Piedmont the evening of the Flood. When she tried to drive back from Rapid City the bridge at Deadwood Avenue collapsed. She remained stranded in Black Hawk for two days until her father was able to come and get her.
Teresa Sullivan
Teresa worked for the telephone company as an operator in 1972. The evening of the Flood she was working the 3-11 p.m. shift. Telephone lines were down and all calls had to be routed through an operator, including death notification calls. Teresa was…
Delbert Stover
"The whole night was horrifying," is how Delbert describes the evening of the Flood. He helped rescue others, including using a wheelbarrow to save his Grandfather from the rushing waters in Dark Canyon. Delbert's family lost everything, but he was…
Randy Stalcup
Randy, his mother and five siblings lived on Janet Street the evening of the Flood. They had to evacuate their home as the basement filled with water to the main level. Randy helped his Mom with the cleanup. He recalls mud up to his knees.
Gary Sisson
Gary and Carole Sisson were out to dinner with friends when they cut their evening short to return home where their children were with a babysitter. Unable to cross the high water, they had to wait until the next day to reconnect with family.
Carole Sisson
Gary and Carole Sisson were out to dinner with friends when they cut their evening short to return home where their children were with a babysitter. Unable to cross the high water, they had to wait until the next day to reconnect with family.
Jody Severson
Jody Severson arrived in Rapid City Wednesday after the Flood and stayed the summer as staff aide to then U.S. Congressman, Jim Abourezk. Jody was 23 at the time and instrumental in laying the groundwork for the Urban Renewal Project and put together…
Irene Sears
Irene's friend Anna lived by the packing company. Anna was rescued from the waters by firefighters only because they could see her white coat in the darkness of the night. She had just purchased the coat a few weeks before at Kmart. Irene searched…
DelRita Schouten
DelRita Schouten had lost her home and everything inside it to the flood. She now lives on a hill.
Steve Runholt
Steve was 11 years old the evening of the Flood living on Sheridan Lake Road at the backside of Storybook Island. He and his father were stuck in their home by rising flood waters. His father saved his life after a car plowed through the floor of the…
Rita Rosales
Rita Rosales talks about her experiences in downtown Rapid City the evening of the flood.